Stream and Habitat Restoration

Gomez and Sullivan utilize an in-depth understanding of ecology as well as regulatory requirements to design ecosystem-based restorations in complex riverine and wetland environments. Our ecological restoration and management service is used by our clients to develop successful stream and habitat restoration projects. We assist our clients by sorting through and interpreting large quantities of data acquired from restoration feasibility studies and assessments.

As well as having extensive stream restoration engineering experience; having been involved in various fish passage and dam removal design and construction projects, we also have incredibly strong credentials in conducting detailed feasibility studies for river and stream restoration projects.

Our spectrum of services for riparian restoration includes: Data collection & analysis, H&H modeling, feasibility studies, public outreach, engineering design, permitting, construction phase services, and monitoring studies.

Contact us to find out how we help stream restoration companies complete their projects with accuracy and efficiency.

Related Services

Dam Removal and Fish Passage Feasibility Studies and Design

Road-Stream Crossings for Aquatic Organism Passage Design

Habitat Improvement

Wetland Restoration

Streambank Stabilization

Geomorphic Assessments

Watershed Plans

Sediment Management