Dam Safety & Dam Safety Inspections

Gomez and Sullivan is an industry leader in dam safety analysis and design. Our professional staff have participated in numerous dam safety inspections, analyzing dams to ensure integrity, stability and the structural adequacy. With well over 100 dam safety inspections and reports completed, ranging in size from structures that are a few feet high to earthen embankment dams up to 770 feet high, the team at Gomez and Sullivan are well equipped to identify dam safety concerns. We provide consultation on how to guarantee dam safety regulations and standards laid out by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and dam safety programs are met.

We have worked on a variety of dam configurations such as earth embankment, concrete, masonry, timber crib, steel, Ambursen, and composite sections. Our staff have been active and well respected in the dam safety community for over 30 years. 

Contact us for more information on our dam safety and inspection services.

Dam Safety Inspections & Analyses

Gomez and Sullivan work with clients to navigate dam safety regulation requirements. We provide a full spectrum of services for dam safety, including assistance with obligatory annual inspections, reviews and certification renewals, geotechnical investigation and evaluation services, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, structural evaluations and more.

Probable Maximum Precipitation/Probable Maximum Flood Studies

We conduct detailed hydrological studies to estimate probable maximum precipitation (PMP) and probable maximum flood (PMF). Our PMP reports & PMF studies are critical for dam safety, used to inform the dam design process of the most economical way to manage risk.

Inflow Design Flood Studies

We help our clients identify adequate inflow design floods (IDF) for dam safety. IDF studies are a necessary part of developing hydrological safety strategies for dam design and engineering projects. Gomez and Sullivan evaluate possible hazards and consequences, potential dam failure scenarios, failure modes and effects analysis (FEMA), and multiple other complex criteria to provide the data needed to select the safest inflow flood design and reduce risk to life and property.

Dam Hazard Classification Evaluations

Our Dam Hazard Classification evaluation service identifies whether dams will be classified as low hazard potential, significant hazard potential or high hazard potential based on the impact of dam failure to life and property. Dam Hazard Classification provides criteria needed for the design process and operating standards for facilities.

Dam Emergency Action Plans

We work with our clients to accomplish greater dam safety by developing comprehensive Emergency Action Plans (EAP). EAPs are used to guide and coordinate an emergency response in the event of a failure. EAPs can be instrumental in helping dam owners protect their property and investment, and decrease liabilities.

Related Services

Potential Failure Mode Analyses

Potential failure modes (PFMS) and FEMA analysis to identify possible failures in a dam design.

Spillway Capacity Assessments

Spillway flow calculations and evaluations are also vital for dam safety, we conduct in-depth assessments of conditions that have the potential for failure.

Dambreak Analyses & Inundation Mapping

Simulation of possible dam breaches and failure scenarios for risk mitigation.

Dam Safety Tabletop & Functional Exercises

Developing full scale dam safety programs, exercises and training.

Stability Analyses

Robust assessments of the structural stability of dams.

Dam Design & Rehabilitation

Detailed and innovative designs for dams and spillways.

Risk Informed Decision Making (RIDM)

Dam safety investment justification using RIDM methods.

Public Safety Plans

Public safety plans to improve public hazard awareness and establish appropriate procedures for public safety.